Monday, 14 March 2016

How To Perfectly Hide Whatsapp Images & Videos From Phone Gallery

Whatsapp is the collection of our dirty secrets and messages. Like we all know we use App Locker  android app for lockingWhatsapp Android app , but here we secure only our messages. If any unknown person or a family member open your Gallery app they see yourwhatsapp images. In this tutorial we learn how to hidewhatsapp images and videos in your phone gallery.

How To Perfectly Hide Whatsapp Images & Videos From Phone Gallery
How To Perfectly Hide Whatsapp Images & Videos From Phone Gallery
Also Read:
Here we use a very simple method or technique for hiding your Whatsapp images and photos from android phone gallery. If you place a dot(.)  before any folder name , your folder will be hidden from your system. If you want it back just open your hidden files. Here we place dot(.) before whatsapp images folder.

Guides for Hiding Whatsapp Pictures and Video from Gallery

You just need to follow some simple steps for hiding your whatsapp images from phone gallery.
1. Open your File Explorer Android App.
2. Find and Open Whatsapp Folder.
Whatsapp Folder
Whatsapp Folder
3. Open Media Folder.
Whatsapp Media Folder
Whatsapp Media Folder
4. Here you seeWhatsapp Images Folder , select it and rename it.
Whatsapp Images Folder
Whatsapp Images Folder
5. Add dot(.) before folder name and save it.
Add dot(.) before Whatsapp Images Folder
Add dot(.) before Whatsapp Images Folder
Now you successfully hide your pictures and videos from android phone gallery from just following simple steps.
Clear your Whatsapp Cache and Restart your Phone , If you see Whatsapp Images in Gallery after this procedure

