Wednesday, 2 March 2016

FBI Arrests Anonymous Hacker Accused of Hacking Hospital’s Computer


Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) have claimed that they have arrested a man accused of hacking computers in Children’s Hospital. The arrested man had escaped from the country and was later detained by the authorities in Miami after he along with his wife were rescued by Disney Cruise Ship from a sail boat.

FBI Arrests Anonymous Hacker Accused of Hacking Hospital’s Computer

The Suspect namely, Martin Gottesfeld aged 31 was arrested in Miami for his role in hacking the Boston Children’s Hospital in 2014. The arrested person is the member of the hacktivist group “Anonymous”.
This attack made the Boston Children Hospital’s Server down for a week which was carried in revenge for the hospital’s treatment for Connecticut teenager namely Justina Pelletier.

FBI was looking for Gottesfeld since 2014 and they claimed that he was aware about FBI’s investigations after the FBI checked his house. Authorities also said that Gottesfeld was found absent in the place where he worked, he along with his wife didn’t had any contact with their family for few weeks.
Authorities in the Bahamas informed the FBI’s Boston Office about the presence of Gottesfeld with his wife as they were not registered guests but were present in the cruise ship. The duo were rescued by Disney Cruise Ship after they were found in small boat.
“Gottesfeld and his wife were not passengers on the ship but rather had been picked up in a sailboat, not far from Cuba,” the papers state. “The sailboat had run into trouble and Gottesfeld and his wife had placed a distress call, to which the cruise ship responded.”
However this hack didn’t affected the patients during the week long attack, also there is no clear proof of vital information being stolen. But Hospital authorities claimed that  it costs about $3,00,000 to fix this digital damage.
Gottesfeld has confessed that he uploaded a video on YouTube and calling for the attack but however refuted the claims made against him.
The Boston Children Hospital authorities said in a statement and made hacktivist group “Anonymous” responsible for this attack.
Children Hospital’s spokeswoman, Kristen Dattoli said :
“We also want to thank our employees who assisted the FBI throughout its investigation and who helped build the comprehensive systems and procedures that were able to thwart the attack and protect confidential information. We are pleased that these measures have since been adopted throughout the Longwood hospital and research community”.
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