Are you tried of using photoshop to crreat a dynamic artwork but unable to achieve it?
Well i have been in your shoes before but not any more since i found out the new app called "Prisma"
Prisma works by the help of artificial intelligent commonly known as A.I.
Prisma, the turn-your-photos-into-paintings app that’s been blowing up over the past few weeks, is now launching on Android in full form. That means you no longer need a beta invite, and can download it straight off the Google Play Store.

Turn Every Photo into Art
Using Artificial Intelligence
Prisma transforms your photos into works of art using the styles of famous artists: Van Gogh, Picasso, Levitan, as well as world famous ornaments and patterns. A unique combination of neural networks and artificial intelligence helps you turn memorable moments into timeless art pieces.
Download it from Playstore
Download it from Playstore