Any hardcore Android fan will tell you that the real reason to have
an Android phone is to root it – to take control, to get the full
potential out of your device. Now, while we're not quite as fervently
evangelical, there are a lot of neat features you can get by modding –
you just need to choose the right ROM. Here are six of the best.
If you're new to the world of Android rooting, though, it's worth looking at our previous coverage
of modding, where we explain some of the more bizarre acronyms and
explain why anyone would want to spend an evening in with a microUSB
cable and a command line.
Most importantly, bear in mind that
all the software here is hobbyist-made and constantly changing – and as a
result, it can be buggy from time to time, and support for devices can
change in the blink of an eye.
1. CyanogenMod
CyanogenMod is stable and frequently updatedProbably the most famous of all the Android
ROMs, CyanogenMod is certainly the most stable and well-updated, at the
very least. It's also trying to turn itself into more of a regular
business (and a rival to stock Android). Most recently, that's seen it
build a one-touch installer that simplified somewhat the installation
process. (However, the installer only lasted a week before being removed
from the Play store by Google.)
Cyanogen plays it pretty close to
stock Android in terms of look and feel – the launcher and settings
menus are almost identical, on first glance. However, handy things like a
file manager and a better camera app are also included out of the box.
strength, though is in the depth of settings. If you want to customize
your phone to be exactly how you want it, CyanogenMod's the perfect ROM,
offering deep-level hardware customization that can speed your phone
up, and simple tweaks like fixing stock Android's lack of an inbuilt
battery percentage.
The best thing, though, is that CyanogenMod
is stable – often, more stable than the initial software that ships on
brand-new phones. Owing to the number of developers working on it, CM's
also updated regularly to take care of any bugs that do pop up.
It has ROMs for almost every phone or tablet you can think of, which can be found here.
(You'll probably want to download the more stable Release Candidate
software, marked RC, rather than 'nightly' builds, which have more
features but are far more buggy, not to mention being liable to break
your phone.)
2. Paranoid Android
Paranoid Android offers a hybrid modeParanoid
Android offers most of the same minor tweaks to performance as seen in
CyanogenMod, but with one big bonus: a hybrid mode. This allows you to
scale certain on-screen elements to make them bigger or smaller – say,
for example, if you didn't want the drop-down notification tab to take
up the whole screen. It's mostly aimed at bigger smartphones with more
pixel-dense screens, to allow you to take full advantage of the size.
Android also lets you change the color scheme in the settings menu,
which is obviously handy if you like matching your phone to your outfit.
There's also a multi-window feature in beta, which solidifies Paranoid
Android's place as the best custom ROM for phablets, at the very least.
it's a little buggy, with occasional crashes. However, it's blazing
fast, going just as fast (or faster) on a Galaxy Note 2 than the stock
Samsung firmware.
A full list of supported devices (and their ROMs) can be found here;
most recent smartphones are supported. One holdout is the Samsung
Galaxy Note 3, which, owing to its recent release, is yet to get
support. However, given Paranoid Android's historic scramble to make
ROMs for Samsung devices, it hopefully won't be too long a wait.
3. Slim Bean
Slim Bean goes for a minimalist lookSlim
Bean offers a minimalist design that builds a little on stock Android,
but doesn't bog it down with a laundry-list of incomprehensible options.
The emphasis is on simplicity, which holds true for both the user
interface – particularly the one-hand-friendly side toggles – and the
underlying code, which runs a custom kernel for the processor, in an
attempt to get better performance and battery life.
It's also
one of the better ROMs for staying updated, with a one-touch update
centre saving you the bother of downloading new ROMs when a patch comes
out. Sadly, the comparatively small team means performance can be a
little patchy, and support is limited to just Nexus phones, high-end
Samsung models,