As a World’s biggest search engine, Google is holding many secret
tricks inside it.Google have some magical search terms that will blow
your mind.So this article is all about Google tricks and secrets.So lets reveal them all.
Search conveniently
You can get your information on Google Search page without visiting any other webpage.Here are the cool Search terms that will make your search more convenient and deliver you helpful information.Try out below terms.1. Secret Calculator
Google made your calculation work easy by adding secret calculator inside the search results.Now you can do your calculations without leaving your Browser.Just open Google and search for ” Calculator ” and stylish calculator will appear on the search result page.2. OK Google
Now you can search anything on Google by just saying “OK Google“.To use this feature you must allow Google to use your Microphone.This is one of my favorite because i can search anything without touching my keyboard.To enable that feature you must click on Microphone sign in Google Search bar.3. Countdown timer
You can set timer of your choice by just typing “Set Timer” in search bar and then hit enter.Timer will appear to you and you can now set timer of your choice by clicking on it.When timer will over a sound will be played by Google.4. Do comparison
Are you health conscious? Then this is specially for you.This awesome Google feature help you to do a comparisons with Foods like how much fat and calories that contains.You can do it by searching “French Fries vs Burger“. This is coolest feature of Google.
5. Do Conversions
You can convert anything like currency,Math units and even more.Just type your value like this “cm into inches” , “meter into feet”,”Dollar into INR” or whatever you want to convert.6. Google Number Speaker
Can you speak that number 444465148245? Its really tough but Google can tell in just a sec.Just type your number in Google like this way “444465148245=English” and Google will tell you How to speak that number.
7. Sunrise and Sunset times
Know the times of Sunset and sunrise in your city by just typing “Sunset California” or “Sunrise California“.You can replace California with your country or city.8. Translator
Translate your words or sentence from one language to another in very simple way.Just type in search bar like this way “English to Spanish“.Just choose languages and write words you want to translate.9. Find Sports Schedules
Its easy to find the schedule of your favorite Sport.Type “Football Schedule” and get the schedule about running tournaments of Football.You can even get live scores of running matches by typing Score instead of schedule.10. Live Webcams
Watch the live CCTV camera footage from different areas.Type “inurl:view/view.shtml” and you will get results for live webcams only.This one is best for enjoyment and time pass for a while.11. Find Name of Movie Actor
Get information about star cast in your favorite movie by typing “Cast: Furious 7” and you will get the results of all the star cast of movie with their pictures.This is the awesome way to find the name of your favorite star in movie.
12. Get Definitions
Find the exact meaning of your word at search page without going anywhere.Just type your word followed by the term “Define”.See example if you want to define Burger type “Define Burger” in search bar and you will get your answer.13. Distance between Cities
You can easily find distance between two cities and also the estimated time to reach their.Type “Delhi to Chandigarh” and it will tell you all information like Distance,Time,Way to travel and more.Google Search Tricks and Google I’m Feeling Lucky Tricks
Google can do lot more tricks for specific search terms and some are really amazing.Have a look below.14. Barrel roll
You can rotate Google by this trick.Just type “Do a Barrel Roll” in Google Search and hit enter and then Google will take one rotation and you can do this many times.This is just for fun and you can make your friends astonished by doing this.15. Tilt
Type “Tilt” and hit enter in Google search and you will see the Google search result page will be tilted by small angle.This is just for fun nothing special.16. Flip a coin
Flip a coin is awesome way to toss online if you don’t have coin in a pocket.Type “Flip a coin” in search bar and click “I’m Feeling Lucky” button.It will take you to the awesome virtual coin and you can toss with it by clicking on it.See the picture for help.
17. Google Gravity
This is much popular trick of Google.This works when you search for ” Google Gravity ” and click on “I’m Feeling Lucky” after that objects on the page will start falling down due to gravity and you can play with it by dragging them.
18. Google Sky
Actually this is not a trick but interesting thing created by Google.Just like Google Earth you can travel to the sky in between stars.To do that just type “Google Sky” and click on I’m Feeling lucky.19. Blink HTML
Typing ” Blink HTML ” in Google search will Blink all the words “HTML” on search page and search page will look so amazing with that Blinking words.20. Google in 1998
If you haven’t seen How Google looks like in 1998 then you can experience it live.Just search for ” Google in 1998” and then Google will display its old look that was on 1998.See how Google logo looks like.
21. Google Sphere
Search for ” Google Sphere” and click on the first link.This will make Google revolving sphere that will move with your mouse.You can also continue your Search and that will also appear in sphere.22. Google Guitar
Guitar lovers can play Guitar on Google.Type “Google Guitar” in search bar and hit I’m Feeling lucky” it will take to you the awesome guitar that sounds with your mouse hover.You can play Happy Birthday,Harry Potter and more music with it.Guitar notes are given below the Guitar.23. Askew
Type “Askew” in Google Search and it will distort your Search page.It is just like Tilt but it also distort alphabets in search results.24. Elgoog
It is website where you can find amazing things like Google Mirror,Google Snake and much more.To visit that just type “Elgoog” in Google and click I’m Feeling lucky button.Enjoy the number of tricks on that websites.25. Google Hacker
Google created many unique pages and some are quite weird.Type on Google “xx-haxor” and click I’m Feeling lucky.That will open Google in hackers style and everything on page will show some type of coding.26. Heart Graph
You can easily draw a graph on Google by typing Graphic equation in search bar.To make the heart on Graph simply copy this equation ” sqrt(cos(x))*sin(300x)+sqrt(abs(x))-0.7)*(4-x*x)^0.01, sqrt(6-x^2), -sqrt(6-x^2) from -4.5 to 4.5 ” and paste in search bar and hit enter. You will get the blue heart on a Graph.27. Dancing YouTube
This one works on YouTube.To do fun with it open YouTube and type “Use the force, Luke” in YouTube search and result will blow your mind.Also search for “do the harlem shake” on YouTube and enjoy the magic.
Google Secret Games
You can play Secret games on Google by using following search terms.This will allow you to play classic games within Google without going to any other site.28. Atari Breakout
Gaming is always a fun and helps to kick out your boredom so this Google trick allow you to play a classic game within Google image search results. Just open and search for “Atari Breakout” and game will appear in front of you and you can play it.
29. Google Chrome’s Secret game
This is one of the awesome trick and many people don’t know this because this game only works without internet and no one tried Google Chrome without internet.You can play this game by turning off your Internet connection and then open Google Chrome,try visiting any site and you will see the dinosaur will appear on screen then hit Space bar.You will see the Dinosaur will start running.So this is the amazing Game and also works on Google Chrome on Mobile.