Microsoft Word is without a doubt one of the most used word
processors seeing as it is on almost every PC in existence. It comes
preloaded with loads of useful features that you may not even know
exist. One of these is the screen clipping feature on Microsoft Word.
Word allows you to take a screenshot of any screen on your laptop and insert it directly into your document all without closing Word. Thankfully it is very easy to do this because you don’t need to dig through settings and options to enable it.
• Open the document you want to edit
• Select the “INSERT” tab
• Minimize Word and open the screen you want to screenshot
• Open Word again
• Tap on “Screenshot” and immediately open the screen you want to screenshot
• Drag the selector around where you want to screenshot and release
• Your screenshot should appear inside the document you are editing.
If you followed the steps above, then you should see the screenclip inside your current document. If you do not want to use Microsoft Word to take a screenshot, then you can also use the Snipping Tool. Follow this tutorial to learn how to do that.
Note that this was only tried on Microsoft Word 2013 so if you have an older version, you may not find the screenshot option inside the INSERT tab. In that case, you should use the Snipping Tool.
Share your comments if the process worked for you or not. Help somebody by sharing it. You never who you might help.
Word allows you to take a screenshot of any screen on your laptop and insert it directly into your document all without closing Word. Thankfully it is very easy to do this because you don’t need to dig through settings and options to enable it.
How to Take a Screenshot with Microsoft Word
Follow the steps below to insert a screenclip into your Word documents without further stress.• Open the document you want to edit
• Select the “INSERT” tab

• Minimize Word and open the screen you want to screenshot
• Open Word again
• Tap on “Screenshot” and immediately open the screen you want to screenshot

• Drag the selector around where you want to screenshot and release
• Your screenshot should appear inside the document you are editing.
If you followed the steps above, then you should see the screenclip inside your current document. If you do not want to use Microsoft Word to take a screenshot, then you can also use the Snipping Tool. Follow this tutorial to learn how to do that.
Note that this was only tried on Microsoft Word 2013 so if you have an older version, you may not find the screenshot option inside the INSERT tab. In that case, you should use the Snipping Tool.
Share your comments if the process worked for you or not. Help somebody by sharing it. You never who you might help.