Sunday, 13 March 2016

Bangladesh Tops The List of Countries Suffering From Cyber Crime, says Kaspersky


Bangladesh Tops The List of Countries Suffering From Cyber Crime, says Kaspersky

“The country’s mobile and computer users are the most affected users by Cyber Crimes as hackers can steal individuals’ banking and other personal information from their infected devices and use it for criminal purposes”, states the Daily Star.
Kaspersky also observed that it registered about two million notifications regarding ‘malware’ infections/Software that aimed to steal money from bank accounts.
Kaspersky in a statement to ANI said, when a bank user logs in to his/her bank account, the Trojan and displays the message to download an Android App which is required to confirm the transaction and also results in Fake Token Application. The fraud token which when gets generated in users device, allows the hackers to obtain access to the users bank account through the Trojan hit device. Also the Trojan targeted device lets the hackers to stop the one time confirmation code.
Recently, Hackers targeted Bangladesh’s Central Bank and tried to withdraw $1 Billion Dollars but however they failed as they did a spelling mistake. Officials believe that hackers have injected malware in the Bangladesh’s Bank computer systems.
It seems that this Trojan has been hit in Banking Servers and users becomes the victim of this trap. However, user needs to be vigil in case he/she spots the message displaying download any application or any other request. Bangladesh’s Banks must take security measures in order to tackle the cyber-criminals.
