Tuesday, 1 March 2016

14 Ultimate Keyboard Shortcuts that You Need to Know in Window 10

Using Shortcuts in Window PC make you pro user. You can do your work more fastly and efficiently with Window 10 keyboard shortcuts.

Here I collect some amazing Window 10 Keyboard shortcuts that make you pro user. Try this shortcuts in your PC and increase your productivity.
15 Ultimate Keyboard Shortcuts that You Need to Know in Window 10
1. Press Windows Key + E for open File Explorer in Window 10.
File Explorer in Window 10
File Explorer in Window 10
2. Windows Key + R for open Run Program in Window 10. With this Run program, you can access any window program by typing his name.
Open Run Program in Window 10
Open Run Program in Window 10
3. Press the Shift key 5 times in Window PC to turn on Sticky Keys features. Click on the yes button. This feature lets you use keys like Shift and Ctrl by pressing it just once instead of holding it down.
Sticky Keys in Window 10 PC
Sticky Keys in Window 10 PC
4. Press Windows Key + Enter for open Narrater application in Computer. The narrator is a light-duty screen reader utility included in Microsoft Windows PC.
Narrater Program in Window 10
Narrater Program in Window 10
5. Quickly access the address bar on your PC browser directly by pressing Alt+D.
6. Press  Windows Key + D  in your PC for minimizing all open windows to view the desktop
Window 10 Desktop
Window 10 Desktop
7. Press Ctrl+F on a word document to quickly find a particular word in the text body. This trick also works in the web page.
Find Word in Text Document or PDF Reader or Webpage
Find Word in Text Document or PDF Reader or Webpage
8. Press  Alt+F4 for closing an open window.
9. . Press Ctrl+Shift+Esc to directly open the Task Manager in Window 1O PC.
Task Manager in Window 10
Task Manager in Window 10
10. Pressing  Alt+Tab will let you toggle between windows
Toggle Between Windows in Window 10 PC
Toggle Between Windows in Window 10 PC
11. Press PrtScr button for taking the fullscreen screenshot in Window 10.
Press PrtScr for Taking Screenshot in WIndow 10
Press PrtScr for Taking Screenshot in Window 10
Now open Paint Program and press Ctrl +V for paste your screenshot in Paint program. Click on save button for saving this screenshot in Window 10 PC.
Take a Screenshot in Window 10
Take a Screenshot in Window 10
12. Use Shift+Delete to permanently delete a file in Window 10 PC.
Permanently Delete File in Window 10
Permanently Delete File in Window 10
13. Press Alt+Space Bar to quickly open the menu tab for any active window.
quickly open the menu tab for any active window.
quickly open the menu tab for any active window.
14. You can lock your Window 10 Computer directly by pressing Windows Key + L.

Lock Window with Password
15. Press the Windows Key+F to quickly open the search bar to search program and control panel settings.
Find Program in Windows
Find Program in Windows
