1. Open WhatsApp App
Open Whatsapp Settings
2. Select Chats and Calls option in settings.
Chats and Calls Settings in Android Mobile
3. Tap on Chat history.
Chat History Settings in Whatsapp
4. Now select Email Chat.
Email Chat in Whatsapp
5. Select any conversation.
Whatsapp Conversation
6.Tap on without media or attach media it’s your choice.
Email Backup in Whatsapp
7. Select Gmail app.
Select Gmail in Whatsapp
8. Tap on three dots and select Save Draft or you can send this mail to any email from send button.
9. Open your Gmail app and select Draft section.
Draft in Gmail App
10. Open recent draft email.
11. Download Txt format file in your mobile from a tap on download icon.
Download Txt File
12. Open this file in your mobile from any txt editor. Here I use ES File TXT editor for open this file in android mobile.
Open Txt File in Android from ES File TXT Editor
View TXT file in Android Mobile
Now you read your Whatsapp Chat into mobile in txt format. You can
export this file to your computer and read this file from notepad